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OBAGI Professional Skin Peels & Systems 

Here at Asthetik London we only use the highest quality products from leading brands that follow a strict safety ethos and are innovative, effective and ethical.  Obagi is a leading brand of skin care products with medical grade standards that offer the best possible treatment for our clients. 

Please Note: The most suitable peel for your skin will be determined at consultation, for some peels, skin preparation is required prior to commencing treatment. 


Talk to us to find out what type of peel is best for your skin!! 

Obagi Nu-Derm® System

Obagi Nuderm System Asthetik London


Obagi Blue Radiance Chemical Peel for Acne Asthetik London

CLENZIderm M.D.™

Obagi Clenziderm System Acne Treatment Asthetik London

Obagi® Signature Facial

Obagi Signature Facial Asthetik London
  • What is a Professional Skin Peel?
    Chemical peels are an important part of skin health. As an effective treatment option for most skin types and concerns, they improve tone, texture, fine lines and wrinkles, breakouts and dark spots, but many people are intimidated to go in for their first peel treatment. The fear of leaving with a bright red face that hurts prevents some from experiencing the many benefits of a peel. The post-peel reality is a glowing, healthy complexion.
  • What is 'Peeling'?
    Peeling is exfoliation. When your skin peels or flakes after a treatment your skin is shedding dead or damaged surface cells and revealing new, healthy skin cells on the surface. This action is called cell turnover. Supporting the cell turnover process with chemical peels is what allows the skin to shed dead cells and bring new, fresh skin to the surface, free of signs of aging, sun damage, dirt and debris. The result is glowing skin.
  • Will I definitely Peel?
    You won’t necessarily experience visible peeling. That doesn’t mean your treatment was ineffective. Everyone experiences different levels of peeling, dependent upon skin type, resilience, type of peel and the number of layers applied. Some people experience ‘sheeting,’ when large portions of the skin peel off at once. Some experience ‘flaking,’ when small pieces of skin peel off, similar to dry, winter skin or mild peeling after a sunburn. Others experience exfoliation that is not visible. If you don’t peel, your skin is still exfoliating. In this case, the exfoliation is happening on a cellular level that can’t be seen by the naked eye. Typically, the deeper the peel you receive, the more extensive peeling you will experience.
  • Do Skin Peels take long and what is the downtime?
    Peels are easy to work into a busy lifestyle. There is no downtime with PCA SKIN chemical peels — you’ll leave your appointment with a healthy glow and able to carry on with your regular activities. There are steps to ensure that your results are maximized. Following a post-procedure regimen recommended by Asthetik London after your treatment, will enhance your results and keep peeling and redness to a minimum. You should also avoid anything that causes sweating for 48 hours after treatment. Your clinician will give you more detailed instructions after your procedure, catered to your skin’s needs.
  • Does a Peel hurt?
    There may be some minor irritation and blanching during certain PCA Skin Peels, but this usual fades, after 20 minutes or so. Each individual will vary depending on skin sensitivity but this is generally a painfree treatment. Your Asthetik London Clinician will advise you of any risks and effects of the treatment.

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